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Digital Eye Strain Remedy in Mississauga

Overcome Digital Eye Strain Challenges

For many of us, a significant part of our day involves working in front of a computer screen, followed by winding down with more screen time, such as streaming our favorite TV shows. This continuous exposure to digital screens can take a toll on our eyes.


Extended periods of screen time may lead to symptoms of digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome. These symptoms can include sore eyes and headaches. It's essential to visit your optometrist for an eye exam to rule out more serious eye conditions and receive guidance on managing digital eye strain.

Female working from home while wearing blue block filter

What Contributes To Digital Eye Strain ?

Digital eye strain stems from prolonged exposure to digital screens such as computers, tablets, laptops, and smartphones. The text on screens lacks the sharpness found on paper, requiring our eyes to exert extra effort to focus.

Several factors can heighten the risk of digital eye strain, including:

  • Frequent use of digital screens

  • Inadequate lighting

  • Screens with glare or reflections

  • Unaddressed vision problems

  • Incorrect prescription

  • Suboptimal viewing distance or angle

  • Poor posture during screen use

Kids ipad blue fillter

Symptoms of Digital Eye Strain 

If you experience eye discomfort, fatigue, or general unease following a close-up visual activity, such as extended computer use, you might be dealing with digital eye strain.

Typical Indicators of Digital Eye Strain comprise:

  • Aching or fatigued eyes

  • Blurred vision

  • Excessively dry or watery eyes

  • Headaches or eye pain

  • Heightened sensitivity to light

  • Trouble concentrating

blue block filter
digital eye strain relief with blue filter

Treating Digital Eye Strain

Thankfully, there are straightforward methods to alleviate digital eye strain. Explore some of these remedies, whether at home or in the office, to ease the discomfort caused by digital eye strain:


  • Place your screen directly in front of you, positioned 50 to 65 centimeters (20 to 26 inches) away from your eyes and slightly below eye level

  • Adjust the text size on your screen for comfortable reading

  • Minimize surrounding light, and modify the brightness of your device screen to reduce glare and reflections

  • Maintain a safe distance and hold handheld devices just below eye level Regularly blink to refresh and moisten your eyes

  • Adopt the 20-20-20 rule: take a break every 20 minutes, look at an object about 20 feet (6 meters) away for 20 seconds.

Adult wearing blue block filter while working from home

Find Relief Today

If you are encountering any symptoms linked to digital eye strain, schedule an appointment with us today. We are committed to doing everything possible to restore your eyes to their optimal condition

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