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Children's Eye Exam in Mississauga

Early Detection For Optimal Eye Health

From the moment we open our eyes to the world, vision plays a crucial role in shaping our understanding of the surroundings. For a child, clear vision is fundamental for learning shapes, colors, letters, and numbers, contributing significantly to their cognitive development and social interactions.


Even if your child doesn't express concerns about their vision, scheduling an eye exam is a proactive step toward enhancing their visual acuity and overall quality of life. Detecting potential issues early can pave the way for timely interventions and improved eye health

Young kids optometrist appointment
Child during an eye exam with an optometrist
Kid doing an eye exam optometrist

How Frequently Should My Child Vist The Eye Doctor ?

Your child’s vision holds immense importance, and at our clinic, we share your commitment to their eye health. Scheduling regular eye appointments for your little one serves as a proactive measure against potential eye diseases and future vision complications.


Following the recommendations of the Canadian Optometric Association, here is the suggested timetable for low-risk and asymptomatic children:


  • 0 to 2 years old: Initiate your child's first eye exam between 6 and 9 months.

  • 2 to 5 years old: Ensure your child undergoes at least 1 eye exam during this developmental phase.

  • 6 to 19 years: Schedule at least 1 eye exam annually for your growing child.

The frequency of eye exams varies based on several factors, including family eye health history, existing neurodevelopmental conditions, and maternal smoking during pregnancy.


For high-risk children or those exhibiting symptoms, a more frequent examination schedule may be advisable—specifics can be discussed during your child's initial appointment.


Notably, in Ontario, the health care plan (OHIP) covers one annual eye exam for children aged 12 months to 19 years, contributing to comprehensive eye care for your child's optimal vision health.

Happy Family going for eye checkup optometrist
Child during an eye exam with an optometrist

Identifying Vision Issues In Children 

Detecting potential vision problems in your child involves paying attention to specific signs and symptoms. If you observe any of the following indicators, it's advisable to schedule an eye exam for your child, irrespective of when their last examination occurred:


  • Red, itchy, or watery eyes

  • Excessive squinting, rubbing, or blinking

  • Closing one eye or tilting the head to see

  • Sensitivity to light

  • Lack of concentration, particularly at school

  • Holding objects close to their face to see

  • Complaints of a headache or sore eyes

  • Eye misalignment

Kid doing an eye exam optometrist

What To Expect In A Child's Eye Examination

During your child's eye exam, the eye doctor focuses on assessing the overall health of their visual system and identifying common childhood eye conditions, including:


  • Nearsightedness (myopia)

  • Lazy eye (amblyopia)

  • Crossed eyes (strabismus)

If corrective eyewear is recommended, additional tests will be conducted to determine the precise prescription needed for your child.

Children eye exam optometrist
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